A Christmas for the Books

As some of you may know, Christmas morning was extra special for me. My boyfriend Reed asked me to marry him and I said YES!  Actually, the real story is quite the opposite.  I might have muttered the word yes before he even opened his mouth. Oopsie. Regardless, he’s now my fiancé (and that word is really fun to say)!

Because I plan to take Reed’s last name, I think it’s only fair that I get to refer to him here as Mr. Meet Your Beef. That is fair, right? Good, glad we’re all on the same page 🙂


One of my goals for 2015 is to post on this blog much more regularly. I still plan to do that. With a little help from my friends, these magazines, and some luck I may just be able to keep up the blogging AND plan a wedding at the same time. One thing is for sure, I’ve got enough bride magazines to last me until next New Years Day.

How were the holidays for you guys? Anything special happen?  I want to hear about it in the comments!